This is the original artwork
that ended this period of artistic development (1995-1997).
Three of the works in this series are all available as surrealism
posters so you can collect all three! The final work, "Denouement"
is not available as a print. Archival quality, black and white
surrealism posters: $10 ea.
"Midnight" © Chris Eisenbraun 1997.
Midnight: When the masks come off and the truth is out. Begun
July 4, 1997; completed July 23, 1997. Archival quality bond
print: inexpensive surrealism posters available for three
of the works of art in this series, the fourth work ("Denouement")
is not available as a print.
The first set of prints were made July 31 (my birthday), 1997.
I took a baker's dozen, still hot off the press, with me--I
think "The Kill" was playing at Janie Lane's (Orlando
night club). After all, hobbits give presents away on their
birthday. I decided to take up the custom for the night :)
Prints are archival quality bond print from a blueprinter
(made of the same stuff as the architect prints builders use).
I go back and forth on having better quality prints made.
Right now I just want to have some inexpensive, surrealism
posters available for sale.
Want to know more? Visit the original artwork gallery page
(click here), there are
a lot more details there :)