The Drawing Board Blog:
"The Red Queen Effect"
part I - - - - - - - - - - - - - -Artist précis.
STARTED: Dec. 23, 2014.
COMPLETED: Nov. 15, 2015.
The website was three works of Art down and way too close to the two year mark for this state of out-of-date. Sooo, in an effort to KEEP DRAWING and GO-ing forwards... I pulled facebook entries, added them to the photos taken along the way and compiled a backwards art blog. Ok? There are SO MANY things I want to do. GOing forwards is the ONLY way to get ANY of them done. LOL.
I discovered the name of this piece deeply into the journey of pencil across paper. I kept visualizing Alice In Wonderland sorts of things. Really weird. Then I found The Red Queen Effect (also known as The Red Queen hypothesis and The Red Queen's race). I looked into the idea a bit deeper. Wow. Crazy cool and SO RIGHT ON somehow. Found this tidbit, a super simple example of the idea: the fox and rabbit both run fast... but the fox is only running for his dinner, the rabbit is running to for his life... so he MUST run twice as fast or die. What a way to make a complex thought crystal clear. Ha. Google the phrase and check it for yourself. NEXT -
Artist blog: the drawing starts here...
POSTED: Oct. 16, 2016 | ART BLOG: Dec. 23, 2014
Beyond the edges of the mind...
FACEBOOK: (Dec. 23, 2014): NEW ARTWORK... As of THIS exact minute, I am working on the new collage. I "think" that I am starting to zero in on an idea... two images kept haunting the back of my mind all day today. We'll see. Haunting an imagination is one thing.... bringing the artistic catch across the border puts a different kind of light on the imaginary catch. Sometimes you gotta throw them back and try again... not every idea is quite so golden once it gets beyond the edges of the mind. BIGtime. Soooooo, we'll see... or I'll see. You see later. Me try to see NOW. LOL. It's time to BE the artist and walk the talk. I am going to be super dooper busy being JUST an artist and nothing but an artist through the end of the year. Begone responsibility. Get lost. Take a friggin' hike baby. AND, I hope YOU have a VERY Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year too. I'm outta here baby... NEXT
POSTED: Oct. 16, 2016 | ART BLOG: Jan. 14, 2015
Mental shrapnel is EVERYWHERE.
FACEBOOK (January 5, 2015): ANNUAL ARTIST RETREAT 2014. The muse blew my mind up. My imagination EXPLODED. Mental shrapnel is EVERYWHERE... little bits of color/ideas/lines/etc. just litter my mind's eye. AND... I am torn. One minute incredibly happy, convinced that THIS IDEA ROCKS... the next, ...not sure if I shouldn't go back, pull the pencil out and try again. LOL. Really. Not kidding. I spend SO MUCH time on these works that I don't want to get it wrong. But...that's not really the point is it???? Getting it right. Who cares about that? It's the journey that is REALLY important. Ok. I'm going forwards. Following the muse.
At least... that's the way I feel RIGHT NOW. Too funny. Anyway. There is SO MUCH shit going on in this layout that is incomprehensible to the camera lens that you will have to wait a moment (and in my world that can take WEEKS). Jeez. NEXT -
POSTED: Oct. 16, 2016 | ART PICT: Jan. 14, 2015
Symbols laid down in dream speak style.
FACEBOOK (Jan. 14, 2015): NEW ART. I put a layout together in the computer at the beginning of the artist retreat. I pushed and pulled images around, TRYING to follow the tenuous thread laid down by the muse. TRYING to write another story using symbols laid down in dream speak style (tri-layered with potential context simmering..., from deep within the collective unconscious). My ONLY concern... was to pull a new work of art across the border of the mind's eye. THEN I pulled the printout out of the computer and headed into the studio to make it real. Me, the artist, the technician, took one good look at the layout... and said a number of choice four letter words. Impossible was ONE of the very first coherent thoughts. INSANE soon followed (as a choice epithet). LOL. I have laid a lightly penciled graphite wash across the paper in key spots ... because THESE areas ... need special treatment. I don't know if you can see ANYTHING, even though I darkened the image so you can SEE the lines. I'll just say, "It's crazy" and I hear your answer.... "what's new?" Ha. NEXT
ART NOTES: PAGE 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | BLOG ARCHIVES
"The Red Queen Effect"- Dec. 23, 2014: Beyond the edges of the mind...
- Jan. 5, 2015: Mental shrapnel is EVERYWHERE.
- Jan. 14, 2015: Symbols laid down in dream speak style.
- Jan. 25, 2015: The stag king enters the fray.
- Feb. 01, 2015: Breaking my mind's eye wide open.
- Feb. 24, 2015: The NEED to find time to DRAW..
- Mar. 01, 2015: The weekend is going to be a hard one.
- Mar. 21, 2015: I am drawing. Slowly.
- Apr. 13, 2015: It's here and (slowly) getting there.
- Apr. 25, 2015: A cup of coffee in hand...
- May 11, 2015: All the time allotted to BE backwards.
- May 17, 2015: No words. Just a pict.
- May 27, 2015: A plethora of silence. Lots of lines.
- May 31, 2015: So. No "grow up". Yes.
- June 07, 2015: Normalcy. White noise at the door.
- July 06, 2015: NOTHING but pencil and paper...
- July 12, 2015: Following the pencil across the paper.
- July 19, 2015: Anything in your head is perfect.
- July 26, 2015: Let the collective unconscious FLOW.
- Sept. 08, 2015: Flying with the pencil. Crazy baby.
- Sept. 16, 2015: ABSOLUTELY REFUSING to be denied.
- Sept. 27, 2015: BUT. Did it. Plan on DOING IT ...AGAIN.
- Oct. 11, 2015: Repeat it with me to make it real: ...
- Oct. 18, 2015: You can ONLY erase so much darkness.
- Oct. 30, 2015: Inbetween... with art talk at the end.
- Nov. 07, 2015: "Yo, Mr. Collective..."
- Nov. 08, 2015: The "Yo Mr. Collective" call is answered.
- Nov. 15, 2015: Black boxes on my mind...
- Dec. 06, 2015: War paint on the face of the moon.
- June 29, 2016: A simultaneous debut of ONE idea.
...MORE Surreal Artwork by
Chris Eisenbraun.